Indian Cricket &My Career
Though I know that their is not very much commomn between both, but at present both are in doldrums, uncertainty looms large over both of them.Just like Dravid; I thought that i was incharge comletely in control but like him met the similar fate,dont know why this happened and more important,how it happened.I will be completing a year in job in june,my profile and team went through restructing,my boss quit just before ratings, so I was rated by a person whom i knew for 2 months,my rating was finalized by a person who does not know me so the outcome is but obvious.
I have got a new boss, most of my team mates are moving to better & greener pastures, I am undecided just like Dravid & chappel, what went wrong or Is this question inflammatory.I feel like the million dollar earning cricketers who think that they have failed(my guess),after the last 11 months I find myself out of the "super eight",at the end i realized(made to) that I din't have any worthwhile contributions to my group this year and their are very few chancess that I will contribute any thing significant this year
So both the Indian cricket as well as my career needs some restructring, some charisma which can bring them out of the darkness.