Monday, August 14, 2006

My first Blog

This is my first blog so I am writing it with lot of apprehensions as to what reception I will get, if I get any. Though I have been a avid blog reader for many days but till today I was not able to muster the courage to write my own blog.What made me write it today is not that i got courage injected into me but a no of factors which facilitated my transition from a blog reader to a writer, some of them which need a mention are free internet in office(with mailing and chatting sites blocked), two months in the job,and above all no work for today.

Another reason which i mentioned earlier that I am two months old in the job, before that i was well protected inside the boundaries of a MBA school wher you are supposed to be too busy with assignments,presentations and surprize quizes.In my case I was busy too, but work of different nature, till late afternoon in class where you are physically present,and after that sleeping till late evening due to the mental torture in class, then you get up and drag yourself to the canteen to have your daily quota of cigarette, tea and daily gossip and share concerns with friends for summer projects or for final placements.And after the discussion ends their is a group ready who finds other people so well prepared with all plans and strategies for all future events.I was always a member of this group, so the disappointment of discovering yourself as the aimless arrow with no target and no strategy or plan A(leave back Plan B or plan C) which other people had in case Plan A din't work. This disappointment was more than anu young soul can digest so it needed some instant "medicine".The search of this medicine led you to the nearest "Dhaba" where with each peg or beer made you feel better and prepared to take anything which came in your way of success. This healing continued till early morning after which you sneaked back into the hostel after greasing the palms of the security guard.

Then you have to get up early morning first to find a person who intended to attend the first class and then to motivate and convince him to put you proxy.With this hectic routine for atleast for five days a week how could one expect one to write a blog.So now I have finally been able to find a job and does not have the same comforting group,and then you have e muster so every day you have to drag yourself to office,and not so much work.Then one day one wise soul from my earlier "Dhaba group" suggested why dont you write a blog.

And here i am writing(sorry finishing) my first blog,I hope I am able to write the second one.


Blogger Santosh said...

welcome to blogosphere.. but i dont agree to you one reason that 'i was well protected inside the boundaries of ..' me too was there.. and i managed around 100 post from that place a year.. by any way.. welcome..once again...

7:04 PM

Blogger Nitin Bagla said...

हाँ भैय्ये..
तुझे पढ कर हमें लगा कि हमने तो अपनी F-School लाइफ़ ऐसे ही बिता दी...ब्लोग लिखते लिखते... ;)
अच्छा लगा एक और ज्ञानी-गुणी को अपने विचार लिखते देख कर...
आशा है आप अपना ज्ञान हमारे साथ बांटोगे...
कुछ नेतागिरी के, कुछ राजनीति के फ़ंडे शेयर करोगे..
और हो सके तो कुछ वित्त प्रबंधन भी...

12:33 PM

Blogger Alok said...

bagla bhai
aap logo ne to sahi sadupyog kiya samay ka, hamne to samay vyarth kar diya hain, ab aap zaise mahapurusho ke padchinh par chal kar kuch sahi kar paoonga,aasha hain apka sahyog prapt hoga
aapka bhai

12:19 PM

Blogger Nitin Bagla said...

हमने आपसे आपके ज्ञान की आस लगाई थी..और आपने तो हमारी खिंचाई कर दी...
ह्म्म...हमारी पिछ्ली टिप्पणी की अंतिम चार लाइनों पर भी आपका ध्यान गया होगा..आशा है आप हमें कृतार्थ करेंगे..
आपका छोटा भाई

1:32 PM

Blogger Alok said...

Priya Bagla urf chhote Bhai,
Agar aapko hamare wyaktavyo se chot pahunchi to main iskeliye sharminda huin,rahi hamare gyan ki baat to mera sahyog aapko sadaiv prapt hoga,aap sifrf aadesh kare.

aapka bhai

2:28 PM


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